The three fruits in Triphala contain many antioxidants, such as flavonoids, polyphenols, saponins, vitamin C, and more. Antioxidants can help fight free radicals in the body, reducing inflammation along with your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and others . BEST WAY TO TAKE TRIPHALA If you have watched the movie “Piku” you know what a pain it is for the individual who is suffering from constipation as well as for the people around. Reports and studies suggest that in the recent years an increased urban Indian population has infrequent or hard to pass stools. It is said that while globally only 10% of the people suffer from constipation, at least 14% of the urban India’s population complain of the same. CAUSE OF COSTIPATION Clinically, constipation is attributed to reasons such as medications, problems with the muscles in the digestive system, medical conditions. But most people who suffer from constipation in urban India, the cause can be assigned to...