Arjuna helps reduce the risk of heart diseases. It strengthens and tones the heart muscles and helps in proper functioning of the heart. Arjuna tree also has strong anti-hypertensive property and helps reduce high blood pressure.

Arjuna is an amazing heart tonic and cardioprotective herb. It is potent in strengthening the cardiac muscles, improving the circulation of coronary artery blood flow and prevents the heart muscle from ischemic damage. A decoction of Arjuna with milk is a best-known cardiac tonic.The Arjun tree is a wonder plant and is found throughout the country. The tree bark is cardio tonic and effectively treats heart palpitation, angina and poor coronary circulation. This pure herb extract is in 10 times concentrate form.

  • Strengthens the heart muscle,
  • Regulates heartbeat and reduces cholesterol.
  • Prevents arteries from hardening and reduces blood pressure.
  • Eases blood flow in the coronary artery and reduces chances of clot formation.
  • As an anti-oxidant regulates diabetes.
  • Stops bleeding, reduces the frequency of urination (polyuria).
  • Helps in managing leucorrhea because of astringent action.
  • Protect DNA damage from toxins


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